About Us

SPIC is Society of Promotion for IT in Chandigarh under the aegis of Department of Information Technology, Chandigarh Administration has been providing incubation space to the startups since the time when the world had no or very little idea of what startup is. We started in 2001 and some of the top and biggest IT companies in Chandigarh started their operations in our incubation centre.

Things have changed a lot in recent years for how teams work together, the facilities and infrastructure they need, and what makes them click and deliver when they all operate from shared space, using shared resources, and exchanging ideas and skills that is how idea of co-working space was conceived and Entrepreneur Development Centre Co-working Space ( ECoS) came into existence.

Investing in a new office is a huge challenge for startups. ECoS gives you running IT office space in different sizes, with the best furniture, connectivity, and other operational facilities. Being in the IT park helps you win the right talent while hiring, with absolutely best access to transport, and even entertainment and lifestyle activities. Designed on a world-class plug-and-play model, you get the right experience of running your IT operations, and leave all operational and security challenges to ECoS.